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June 2014
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title ico About SKF

"With almost 100 years of experience with and knowledge of rotating machine reliability, SKF offers a unique and intimate understanding of the processes and challenges specific to every major industry, including paper, power, petroleum, metals, mining and food processing. SKF’s five technology platforms are bearings and units, seals, mechatronics, services and lubrication systems. Specialist teams for each SKF platform work closely together with the industry and sales organizations. Their goal is to provide advanced integrated solutions that meet customer needs, whether to develop new products, improve production efficiency, increase profitability or reduce environmental impact.

"When you pay for SKF quality, you should get SKF quality.
Always purchase your SKF products from an SKF Authorized Distributor!"
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A bearing arrangement consists of more than just the bearings. Associated items such as the shaft and housing are integral parts of the overall assembly arrangement. The importance of lubricant and sealing elements cannot be overestimated. Deploying a full bearing’s performance relies on the presence of appropriate lubrication and adequate protection from corrosion and the ingress into the assembly of foreigen matter. Cleanliness has a profound effect on bearing service life – which is why lubricants and seals have become part of the SKF business.

Al-Najim Saudi International Company in Saudi Arabia recently earned the status of being a complete solution sales specialist, allowing Al-Najim Saudi International Company to provide its valuable customers with bearings and other products of SKF along with machine reliability services through the use of information and technology that are proprietary to SKF.

Al-Najim Saudi International Company in Saudi Arabia has been an SKF Certified Maintenance Partner and is now able to offer SKF products like bearings and units, power transmission, seals, lubrication systems and condition monitoring products and services.

P.O.Box –1017 - Dammam – 31431 – Saudi Arabia | Tel No. 0138822299 | Fax No. 0138827027
Email[email protected] |
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