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March 2014
We are pleased to announce our new Corporate Design, and we invite you to share in the spirit of our commitment and our focus of placing people first in all of our dealings with you. We remain committed to developing well-designed solutions that help you meet the day-to-day challenges you face. And we are confident that this evolution will continue, due to our dedicated employees, our worldwide presence, and our willingness to listen.

Our new identity reflects this commitment and our leadership position. We look forward to continuing this journey with you, our valued customers, because: AP Sensing is Leading the Way with Passion!

Fire Detection / Special Hazard

You need fire protection, especially when your facility is exposed to harsh environmental conditions? Our fiber-optic Linear Heat Detection (LHD) solution measures an accurate temperature profile every few seconds along a fiber optic cable, up to several thousand meters.

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LNG Monitoring

Fiber-optic DTS technology is uniquely suited to a variety of monitoring tasks within an LNG terminal. By using optical sensing probes, our solution is non-corrosive and intrinsically safe. It accurately measures temperatures over long distances and is suitable for operation in cryogenic conditions. » More

Power Cable Monitoring

AP Sensing's DTS technology ensures gapless and real-time temperature measurement along the entire power circuit. Together with our proven RTTR (real time thermal rating) engine and unique SmartVision management suite, you can operate your network at the highest possible safe ampacity level.
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Well and Reservoir Monitoring

Our DTS solution, together with our SmartVision software suite, lets you optimize your production and injection wells, as well as monitoring your steam flood management. Robust and flexible, with a wide range of housing options and the ideal sensor cable for your application. » More

Pipeline Monitoring

Modern pipeline management needs to ensure pipeline integrity, immediate leakage detection and risk mitigation. AP Sensing’s DTS solution provides the capability to monitor the entire downstream process 24/7 and identifies leakages down to the exact location of the incident, even in hazardous environments. » More

Geo- and Hydrological

Our DTS solution provides valuable information for hydrological and geological research, our unique enhanced geothermal response test (EGRT), as well as leakage detection, seepage monitoring and aquifer localization.
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Bartenbach AP sensing
Bartenbach AP sensing Bartenbach AP sensing Bartenbach AP sensing
Bartenbach AP sensing Bartenbach AP sensing Bartenbach AP sensing
Bartenbach AP sensing
P.O.Box –1017 - Dammam – 31431 – Saudi Arabia | Tel No. 0138822299 | Fax No. 0138827027
Email[email protected]
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